
From R Markdown to Quarto

Andrew Bray

UC Berkeley

Mine Çetinkaya Rundel

Duke University + Posit

Anatomy of a Quarto presentation


  1. Metadata: YAML

  2. Text: Markdown

  3. Code: Executed via knitr or jupyter

Weave it all together, and you have a beautiful, functional slide deck!

Our turn

Let’s build a presentation together from hello-penguins-slides.qmd and showcase the following features of Quarto presentations:

  • Hierarchy, headers, and document outline

  • Incremental lists

  • Columns and tabsets

  • Code, output location, code highlighting

  • Logo and footer

  • Making things fit on a slide

  • Chalkboard

  • Publishing your presentation to Quarto Pub

  • Printing to PDF

Your turn

Pick up where we left off and


Our turn

Let’s continue building our a presentation together from hello-penguins-slides.qmd and showcase the following features of Quarto presentations:

  • Fragments

  • Animations

  • Title slide attributes

  • Speaker notes

Wrap up

Quarto presentation formats

  • revealjs for HTML slides

    • Essentially the replacement for xaringan, but with Pandoc-native syntax
  • beamer for LaTeX slides

  • PowerPoint for when you have to collaborate via MS Office

Learn more


Any questions / anything you’d like to review before we wrap up this module?

Let’s take a break!
