
From R Markdown to Quarto

Andrew Bray

UC Berkeley

Mine Çetinkaya Rundel

Duke University + Posit

Anatomy of a Quarto book

Quarto books

  • Books are also essentially format: html + a Quarto Project

  • But a book is different than format: html in that it has multiple pages

  • Books and websites are very similar in that they associate multiple pages/resources into a connected resource

  • Books and websites are different in how they treat components: pages vs. cross-referencable chapters for website and books, respectively

Our turn

Let’s build a book together from all of the documents we’ve created so far and highlight the following features of Quarto websites:

  • _quarto.yml

  • index.qmd / landing page / change landing page

  • Callouts

  • Cross references

  • Unnumbered chapters

  • Sections

  • Appendices

Your turn

Pick up where we left off and

  • Give a title to your book.
  • Add a numbered figure and cross-reference it.
  • Add a numbered figure to another chapter, cross-reference it, and observe the numbering scheme



  • Quarto Pub is a free publishing service for content created with Quarto. It is ideal for blogs, course or project websites, books, presentations, and personal hobby sites.

  • Publish with quarto publish:

quarto publish quarto-pub
  • Gain a _publish.yml that is safe to check into version control.

Other venues

  • GitHub Pages
  • Posit Connect
  • Netlify
  • Confluence
  • More venues

Wrap up


Same freeze and cache ideas for websites apply to books.


Same publishing options for websites apply to books as well.

Learn more


Any questions / anything you’d like to review before we wrap up this module?